Friday, October 7, 2011

Flour Fingerpaint

What do you get with flour + water + food coloring?

At least an hour of occupation for a 2 year old.

I've made edible finger paint before with vanilla pudding. It works really well....until the artist (or the Mom) decides to lick their fingers and then painting time is over.

My 2 year old is past the sticking-everything-in-his-mouth phase, so I thought I would try a different kind of paint. Still edible/non-toxic...but not quite so tempting to just snack on.

Muffin Tin
Food coloring
Small Mixing Bowl

1. Put a heaping Tablespoon of flour into the mixing bowl. This will make enough paint to almost fill one muffin spot.
2. Add water gradually until the flour/water mixture is to the desired consistency.
3. Add food coloring and mix well
4. Pour into muffin tin spot.
5. Repeat until you have as many colors as you'd like.

Lay down the paper. I use the Post-It Note easel papers. They are basically giant Post-It Notes and stick to the floor. Then I only have to tape down one side. Let the artist go to work!

I dare you to not join in! I was up to my elbows in paint and was having a great time! My artist and I made a wall worthy piece of artwork tonight.

Try it or Buy it? No brainer. No need to ever buy artwork again.


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